Alternate identifier:
Related identifier:
Bollenbach, Lukas [Universität Konstanz]
Niermann, Christina [Medical School Hamburg]

Schmitz, Julian [Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH]

(Project Leader)
Kanning, Martina [Universität Konstanz]
cross-sectional data for BMC Public Health 2023
Additional titles:
(Abstract) Data for the study from Bollenbach, L., Niermann, C., Schmitz, J., & Kanning, M. 2023. Social Participation in the city. All descriptives and variables that were used for the calculation of the correlations, t-tests, and multigroup path analyses are included in this data set. The provided informatio...

(Method) Study design: A cross-sectional online questionnaire was conducted and implemented via the German online platform ‘SoSci Survey’ [43]. The data were collected between July and December 2020 in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. For clarification, data collection took time during the COVID-19 pandemic, ...

(Method) Recruitment of the study participants: The individuals who participated in this study were recruited via the distribution of 3000 letters in 12 pre-selected residential areas in the city of Stuttgart, Germany. The letters contained information about the study background, a QR code to directly partic...

(Method) Measures: The following measures were derived and used in the data analyses to answer the research questions.

(Method) Social participation: To measure social participation, the scale used by Levasseur et al. [17] was adopted, which operationalizes social participation as participants’ frequency of monthly engagement in 10 different social activities. The response options to the question “How often are you involved ...

(Method) Active mobility: To assess individuals’ level of active mobility, the validated ‘Physical Activity, Exercise, and Sport Questionnaire’ was used [44]. The questionnaire assesses various types of physical activities (such as everyday life activities, e.g., walking/cycling to work or leisure, household...

(Method) Neighborhood perceptions: Participants’ subjective neighborhood perceptions, i.e., their subjectively perceived satisfaction with the neighborhood environment, were measured via selected questions from the validated ‘Neighborhood Environment Walkability Scale - Germany’ (NEWS-G [4546]). To be precis...

(Method) Walkability: First, the walkability measure that was used for the initial pre-selection of the 12 residential areas for participant recruitment was rechecked and updated with an adapted and improved version of the walkability measure that wasn’t available at the time of the initial data collection. ...

(Method) Covariates: The demographics sex, age, height, weight, and socioeconomic status (SES) (Table 1.) were measured via self-report in the questionnaire. The SES represents a multidimensional index score that comprises three continuously measured components ‘Education and Occupational Qualifications’ (hi...
Urban environment
Social Participation
Active mobility
Subjective neighborhood perceptions
Physical activity
Environmental perceptions
Social activities
Related information:
Universität Konstanz
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Resource type:
(Dataset) cross-sectional data from an online questionnaire
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Rights holders:
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant 421868672)
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Project DEAL
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