Procedure of the Focus Group Interviews N = 3 focus group interviews (G1, N = 6; G2, N = 6; G3, N = 5, participants) were conducted. As is common in focus group interviews, a (pre) structured interview guideline was used, which enabled a systematic collection and comparison of key factors of AM and SocPar. Furthermore, this ensured comparability and integration of the answers of the different individuals / focus groups (Loxton, 2021). The interview guideline used in this study was created by the authors of this paper in an iterative process of discussing and testing the questions and implementing feedback loops that included other researchers of the project. Also, a pilot test was run with other researchers from the institute who were not part of the present research project. To ensure a high quality of data collection with the focus groups, the moderator received training regarding the moderation of focus groups. This training included information about possible difficulties that may occur, and how to deal with them (e.g., what to do if the focus group is stuck, if the discussion gets out of hand, the inclusion of back-up questions, etc.). The focus groups were conducted by one moderator, who was supported by two research assistants who made sure that the recording ran smoothly, and helped the moderator in making sure that no one was left out, etc. The focus group interviews had the following structure: First, participants were greeted and it was made sure that any questions or technical problems (e.g., regarding the camera, sound, internet) were cleared. If everyone was ready to proceed, each focus group received a brief (4 slides) introduction to the concept of walkability by one of the helpers. This was done as it was a goal of the focus groups to discuss not only the concept of walkability, but to enable the participant to understand the concept, what it assesses, and what use cases can be derived. After walkability was introduced, participants were asked a second time whether they were ready to start the focus group. If everyone was ready, participants were again asked for approval to start the recording, and the focus group commenced. The focus groups were divided into two main sections: While the first section had a focus on AM, the second section was used to collect information about SocPar. The two sessions were divided by a break of approximately 10 minutes.