KonDATA is the research data repository of the University of Konstanz. This service of the KIM offers you the possibility to long term publish your research data in a visible and citable way.

DataHelpdesk - Consultation on research data management

For your questions about data publications, KonDATA and reserach data management - every Monday from 13:00 to 14:00 in MediaLab BA440.

The publication of research data is becoming increasingly important due to the shift in mentality towards Open Science. By publishing on KonDATA, you can meet the data publication requirements of various research funding bodies. The data published in KonDATA are provided with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This allows them to be identified and cited globally and permanently. Information about your data and metadata is transferred via standardised interfaces to RADAR, a provider for scientific repositories, and other meta-search engines. This means they can also be found outside KonDATA. When publishing data, KIM performs formal data curation. This ensures that your data is described according to common standards and is thus comprehensible for subsequent users.

KonDATA is based on the RADAR service offered by FIZ Karlsruhe. The data is stored exclusively on the IT infrastructure of the KIM at the University of Konstanz.


If you have any questions about KonDATA and would like to have advice on your data publication, the Team Open Science at the KIM is always happy to help.

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